Donate — Taber & District Health Foundation

Donors like you have a vital impact on healthcare in Taber and area. Thanks to the generosity of community members, businesses and service clubs, health care experiences are enhanced for patients and their families, and department at the Taber Health Centre and surrounding communities.

Our sole purpose is to give the community an opportunity to participate in raising funds to provide financial support for the best possible healthcare in a positive, healing, compassionate environment for the benefit of the residents of Taber, Barnwell, Grassy Lake, Enchant, Hays, M.D. of Taber, Turin and Vauxhall.

CRA#: 13848 4647 RR0001 

The best way to donate to your favourite charity is through ATB Cares. Your charity of choice receives 100% of your donation through this site and ATB will match 15% of every dollar donated to Alberta, non-religious charities to an annual limit of $…

In addition to your donation ATB will match 20% of every dollar donated. Eligible charities may receive up to $5,000 in matching per year. Individual donations qualify for a maximum donation match of $500.



Every gift to the Taber and District Health Foundation is an investment in the health of our community. Our continued success is a reflection of the people who choose to give, the people who care about the future of health care.

A Donor Recognition Wall and program has been developed to acknowledge all generous support . The Foundation recognizes all cumulative donations by placing a personalized plaque on the donor wall in Admitting area at the Taber Health Centre.