Share in the experience of giving
The Taber and District Health Foundation is grateful to be in the company of so many caring community members.

Why Donate ?
Your donations support the Foundation’s efforts to enhance the health care you and your family receive at the Taber Health Centre and facilities in Barnwell, Grassy Lake, Enchant, Hays, M.D. of Taber and Vauxhall.

Grateful Patient
Have you or a loved one been impacted at a clinic or program within the Taber Health Centre or surrounding community programs? We would love to hear about your experience. These stories are greatly needed and are very impactful.
Share your story with us!
“If you have a passion for the well-being of individuals in our community, hold a diverse and inclusive community-centred vision, and have the ability to work collectively in the best interest of a healthier community, you would be a perfect volunteer for the Foundation or volunteer programs at the Taber Health Center. The Foundation supplies funds for many of our volunteer-run programs at the Taber Health Centre such as “Operation Christmas Stocking” and visitation supplies to name a few. Helping out with the donation of my time is a small way to thank the Foundation for their generosity.”
- Hilary, Coordinator, Volunteer Resources at THC
“Rural health is very important for residents in Taber & District. We continue to donate to TDHF as we have a soft spot for the community we have lived in for 27 years. Our donations are designated to the Endowment Fund which allows investment income to be utilized each year. My advice to people wanting to get involved in the health of our community would be to donate monetarily or with gifts of time to the Foundation because you never know when you or your family will need services at the Taber Health Centre.”
- David